Sweet potato weevil

Order / Family
Coleoptera: Brentidae (=Curculionidae)
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Notes for REVIEW

mh, 18.9.09, Are there more alternative control measures (apart from preventive measures, cultural control). Pls include information about the traps/lures and where to buy and if possible further information on organic control. Check if there is information about resistant or tolerant varieties. Following information is included in pestmodule but not yet on this site: mh (1.7.07): farmers in kilifi and meru use effectively Lantana against sweet potato weevil as well as against other storage pests of grains and beans (also bean fly) - pls include recipe (anne) A good amount of fresh Lantana camara leaves are chopped up and incorporated into ridges or planting mounds before planting. This adds organic material to the soil, increases yield as well as repelling weevils. The superior quality of tubers from lantana planted sweet potatoes have been confirmed by Ministry of Agriculture staff in Kilifi.

Land Care Ltd. New Zealand (www.ecoport.org)
Is this a Minor Pest?
Scientific Name

Cylas spp.

Pest Type
Other Crops
(Minor host plants: Coffee, maize, cowpea, sesame)