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(Some species of Haplothrips are reported as pest in South Africa, we do not know if they are pests in Kenya or east Africa. Haplothrips are present in East Africa, but some of them are beneficial (predacious) and we do not know the status on the region. This will have to be reviewed when we finish with the datasheets). [br] When the status of Haplothrips in East Africa has been clarified we could decided if we leave this information on egg-laying habits. [br] Biological pesticides: check with list of Seif [br] FW: Include information on synthetic pesticides?

M. Billah, icipe
Is this a Minor Pest?
Minor Pest Title

Western flower thrips (<i>Frankliniella occidentalis</i>)

Minor Pest Description

The Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). (Close-up) Inmmature thrips (left) and adults. Very much enlarged . Real size 0.9 to 1.1 mm.

Minor Pest What to do.
  •  control weeds
  • regular scouting of thrips


    Minor Pest Position
    Minor Pest Firstcontent
    Pest Type
    Host Plants