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Head smut on maize
David C. Nowell. Courtesy of www.ecoport.org
Is this a Minor Pest?
Minor Pest Title
Head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana)
Minor Pest Description
The first symptoms become evident when tassels and cobs (ears) appear. These parts may be completely or partly converted into smut galls. Smut galls are initially covered by a delicate membrane that breaks open and exposes a mass of reddish-brown to black spores and strands of vascular tissue. The strands or fibres in the galls distinguish this disease from common smut. Head smut is seed-borne.
Minor Pest What to do.
- Use resistant varieties, if available.
- Practise crop rotation.
- Eliminate volunteer host plants.
Minor Pest Position
Minor Pest Firstcontent
Pest Type
Host Plants
Maize (Revised)
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